Parish Outreach

Parish Outreach

New volunteers for all ministries are always  needed and welcome. Please telephone or e-mail the Parish Office to volunteer.

Food Closet

Volunteers help with stocking, food packaging for distribution and helping clients with emergency, supplemental food assistance. The volunteer team meets on Monday and Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. to help the less fortunate.

Here are some of our team members in action!

Lazarus Ministry

Volunteers serve as Lectors, Ministers of Holy Communion, Acolytes, and Greeters at parish funerals

Bernadette & Wayne Aston, Coordinators

Parish Prayer Chain

Volunteers pray for specific intentions through a outreach phone tree. If you have an intention that you wish remembered, please call Arbie Ward at (302) 798-1057.

Emmanuel Dining Room

Walnut Street, Wilmington, Delaware

Holy Rosary volunteers purchase, deliver, and prepare the noon meal on the third day of each month.

Mary Lang, Coordinator

Ministers of Holy Communion to the Sick

Ministers take communion to the homebound and to those in area nursing homes. 
Contact the Parish Office to volunteer.

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